Local women and their families who are expecting a baby are eligible for free maternity care provided through the Maranoa Midwifery Group Practice, based at the Roma Hospital Maternity Unit. This care includes antenatal appointments, labour and birth, elective caesareans, antenatal classes, and postnatal home visits. The team is made up of 8 midwives, backed by 2 SMO obstetric doctors and the specialist FOG service. Women are encouraged to ‘book in’ with the midwives around 10-14 weeks. Each woman has a primary midwife who will provide most of their care, so that you have a ‘familiar’ face as you go through your pregnancy. Regardless of where you plan to birth your baby (Roma or away), all pregnant women in the area are encouraged to book in with the midwives in case unexpected or emergency care is needed. Women may also choose to have just antenatal or just postnatal visits if that is what suits their family. The midwives run outreach clinics in Injune, Mitchell and Surat, and also visit women at home in Dulacca, Wallumbilla and Yuleba.
The phone number for the maternity service is 4624 2736 – please phone for more information, or to organise a booking in appointment.