Maranoa Music Inc – Instrumental Music

Please join us and invite your musical friends.

Please message Maranoa Music Inc Facebook Page for directions to the rehearsal room.

About:  A community group who meet weekly during the school terms to rehearse and to perform at events throughout the Maranoa. Percussion, Brass, Woodwind and String players aged from 12 to 102 are welcomed and encouraged to join. School Students membership is covered through the school Music Program, Adults pay a membership directly to the Maranoa Music Inc. committee.

Ages: 12 to 102 Day:  Tuesdays (during school terms) Cost: Contact organisation for cost Location: Music Room, Roma State College, Middle Campus

Maranoa Music Symp: Tuesday from 5:30pm and Maranoa Strings:  Wednesday from 5:30pm.



Maranoa Music Inc – Instrumental Music   (Group)

Maranoa Music Inc   (Page)

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