The Society’s aim is to collect, preserve, record and promote documents and other
items of use to local and non-local persons researching their family histories, with
an emphasis on Roma and district. The district includes the whole of the Maranoa
area, especially if those areas do not have their own local or family history group.
items of use to local and non-local persons researching their family histories, with
an emphasis on Roma and district. The district includes the whole of the Maranoa
area, especially if those areas do not have their own local or family history group.
Roma Family History Lodge: 17 McDowall Street,
Postal Address: PO Box 877 Roma
Email: romahistorysoc@hotmail.com
Phone: (07) 4622 7322
Research requests:
Emailed research enquiries:
An initial enquiry fee of $20;
A further fee of $30 if you wish, subsequently, to receive the research material we locate. This includes photocopying and postage.
If you visit the Roma History Lodge to undertake research:
An initial enquiry fee of $20;
A further fee of $10 for the first hour, and a fee of $10 per hour thereafter.
Morning tea is provided free of charge.
If your research is complex we reserve the right to charge an additional fee.
Members can use our rooms for a fee of $10 per morning (Tuesday or Thursday), or afternoon (Saturday).
Membership per year: (due 1 July to 30 June):
Single – $30
Pensioner (Single) – $25
Pensioner Couple or Family – $30
Couple or Family – $40
Membership Fee includes three copies of our newsletter “The Maranoa Enquirer” posted out to you. If you just want to receive “The Maranoa Enquirer” it costs $10 per year.
Can you help?
We have a great collection of old photos at the Roma History Lodge. Some from “The Western Star” before digital camera days, dating back to the 1960s through to 2000, but few are named or dated. Perhaps you can help?
Opening Hours:
Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am – 12 noon
Saturday: 2:00 – 5:00pm