RSL Roma Sub-Branch – 19 to 21 Quintin Street
The Returned & Services League of Australia (Queensland Branch) is established for the principal purpose of promoting the interests and welfare of former and serving members of the Australian Defence Force and their dependents by: Assisting and caring for the sick, elderly and needy; Preserving the memory and records of those who served, suffered and died for the Commonwealth of Australia; Encouraging members of the League and citizens to serve the Nation with a spirit of self-sacrifice and loyalty; and Nurturing of the youth of Australia to ensure that the strength, vitality and security of our Nation are preserved and enhanced. Meetings are conducted on 1st Sunday of each month From February to December at 14.00 Hrs Our AGM is on the second Saturday of February at 14.00 Hrs
Hall is available for Hire: Contact Roma RSL Sub Branch <enquiries@roma.rslqld.net.au>
Facebook Page: RSL ROMA Sub Branch
Don’t forget! The RSL ROMA Sub Branch is open every Friday from 5pm. We operate a bar and a kitchen with a limited menu. Come on down for a great chat and family friendly atmosphere!