Sconetime Roma is a monthly social gathering of Senior Citizens, family and carers for morning tea. It is designed to reconnect seniors with each other on a regular basis.
It is held in the Robinson Room at the Roma Clay Target Club on the fourth Tuesday each month, with the facility generously provided by the club free of charge.
Sconetime Roma will be in the form of a morning tea with savoury sausage rolls, jam and cream scones and tea and coffee provided by Bakearoma at no cost to Sconetime Roma.
A $5 entry fee will apply with pre purchased tickets, and surplus funds raised will go towards local senior citizen’s needs identified by those in attendance.
Guests will be encouraged to enjoy the social atmosphere and partake of morning tea from 9-30 to 11-30.
Please do not hesitate to call me or any of the below for further info. Regards,
Robert Nugent – 0428 768 482
Donna Nugent – 0427 462 507
Wendy Taylor – 0419 686 537
Helen Murphy – 0427 530 961
We are not a committee, just an interested group of people willing to help.
Facebook Page: Sconetime Roma