Drought Information and Assistance Contacts
Drought Management Help – FarmHub
FarmHub connects Australian farmers with services and support during tough times, such as drought. Website: FarmHub
Flexible Financial Hardship Support – Maranoa Regional Council
Maranoa Regional Council has received funding from the Queensland Government’s Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services to provide support to residents affected by drought within the Maranoa region. Part of this funding is to provide...
Lifeline – Community Drought Support Information
Do you reside or work in the shires of Paroo, Balonne or Maranoa and are suffering financial hardship due to the ongoing drought? If so, you may be eligible for financial support. Funded by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, grants...
Natural Disaster and Drought Assistance
Natural Disaster and Drought Assistance Primary producers are eligible for drought assistance if their property has been drought declared by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. If your vehicles garaging address is in an area where the Personal Hardship...
PoP Foundation – Drought Assistance
QRIDA (Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority)
QRIDA services include: Concessional loans available to Primary Producers for a range of on-farm activities and business expansion. Grant funds to small business, charities/not-for-profit and primary producers when regions are disaster declared...
Red Cross Drought Help
Royal Flying Doctor Serivce – Drought Wellbeing Service
Since April 2015, RFDS (Queensland Section) has been leading the Drought Wellbeing Service across Queensland. This program offers counselling and support to people living and working in areas impacted by drought. Through the Drought Wellbeing Service, qualified Mental...
Recent Updates
250117: Family Drive In Movie – Bassett Park 6 pm – Friday 16th January
Family Drive In Movie - at Bassett Park on Friday, 17 Jan at 6pm. No cost for entry. Food trucks onsite for delicious dinner options
250207: Expressions of Interest
Stronger Communities Program Round 9 - Now Open Expressions of Interest for the Stronger Communities Programme Round 9 are now open There are significant changes to the Grant Opportunity Guidelines for Round 9 of the Stronger Communities Programme,...
250209: Family Fun Day – Life Christian Church – 146 Northern Road
250126: Roma Bowls Club – 35 Lovell Street – Australia Day Social Bowls
Facebook Page: Roma Bowls Club A sports and entertainment centre in the centre of town.Venue Hire available for special events. Phone: 07 4622 1146 Email: romabowlsclub@hwy54.com.au