TASC Legal and Social Justice Services Update: 9/11/22: The TASC Roma Office will be temporarily operate by phone only from tomorrow 9 November 2022. The Roma mobile phone number (0476 850 048) will continue to be monitored from our other offices. The generic TASC...
LINE DANCING - Social Group for fun & exercise. Tuesday nights 6:30 to 7.30 pm ish at RSL Roma - $5 All Welcome - All welcome. For Beginners we would start off with say 3 or so Beginner dancers at the start of the night so that you aren't overwhelmed then go onto...
About: Giving Rural kids a sporting chance through school sporting structure to progress to national levels Vital Info: Ages: 5 to 18 years Day/Time: Various practice times and Saturday morning sport competition all year round Contact: Justin Washington...
Winter Opening Hours Website: Stacey's Aqua Stars Swim School CPR/First Aid/Pool Lifeguard Training Rainbow Club for Children with a disability Facebook Page: Roma Swimming Pool Google Map: Roma Swimming Pool
What we do: ACE Apprenticeships Centre operates in Qld under a contract from the Australian Government to provide information & advice regarding apprentices & trainees. ACE will conduct the sign up, complete the training contract, register the...